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Looking Back Entertainment News Immaculata

Welcome Immaculata, Class of 1984!


The court-ordered reorganization of AT&T into seven independent regional telephone companies takes place.

The U.S, Supreme Court rules 5-4 that it is legal to record television broadcasts with a videocassette recorder.

Jesse Jackson hurts his chances of winning the Democratic presidential nomination by referring to New York City as 'Hymietown' during a breakfast with a Washington Post reporter.

The 40-month old war between Iran and Iraq escalates as Iran launches a major offensive; 500,000 troops are engaged in battle.

After winning primaries in New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont, Democratic presidential contender Gary Hart wins six Super Tuesday contests.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous premieres and becomes one of the most popular television programs of the decade.

Soul singer Marvin Gaye is shot to death during an altercation with his father.

Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA album reaches the Billboard Top Ten, where it will remain for 84 weeks.